Лосось (Сьомга, Норвегія) охолоджена, патрана, з головою

Salmon chilled, gutted, head-on

Salmon chilled, gutted, head-on

Ingredients: salmon fish.
Grown in aquaculture.

Nutrition facts per 100 g
Energy value - 97.0 kJ.
Calories - 198.6 kcal
Fat - 2.1 g
(of which Saturated Fat
(up to the amount of fatty acids) - 0%).
Carbohydrates - 0 g (of which Sugars - 0 g)
Protein - 19.2 g

SIZE RANGE1-2; 2-3; 3-4; 5-6; 6-7; 7-8

Store chilled fish at a temperature of -1 to -5 ° C and a relative humidity of 95-98%. Shelf life of large fish is 10-12 days, small - 7-9 days.